🔀When Should I Use Roles, Positions, Groups and Teams?

Publishing exclusive content

The default in Conducttr is to publish every inject to all participants. Roles, Positions and Groups allow you to publish an inject to a set of participants rather than everyone.

Teams allow you to publish to everyone in a specific team but typically Teams are used to better organise your participants or for reporting purposes.

Positions allows publishing to a specific person

Roles allows publishing to all people with the same Role


Teams are unlimited

Positions are unlimited. The same player can have multiple Positions but Position can only be assigned to one player.

Roles are limited to 5 roles (Role 1 is the default)

Groups are limited to 3 groups (Group 1 is the default)

There is no requirement to use Roles, Positions or Groups unless your training objective demands it. Only use them if it's necessary to send specific content to specific players.

Last updated