AI Configuration

Configuration of the AI is not necessary but it is desirable if you want to have your personas speak with more distinctive & unique voices.

The best place to start is with FIEMA in AXS because then you can have the AI prepare the necessary files for import.

Step 1 - Import FIEMA file

The image below shows an example page after importing the FIEMA file

Step 2 - Check Factions

The Faction name, description and empathy shape the tone of voice and expression of personas inside the faction.

Feel free to change the Faction description if the AI didn't get it right. For example, it might not know that the Faction represents "GenZ" that personas should speaking Singlish or with a Manchester accent. Adjusting the description will impact the content generated later.

Voice and empathy are discussed here

A3E is used for defence exercises and allows the designer to categorise Factions as friendly or otherwise. This will payoff in the Pulse dashboard but doesn't impact the AI content generation.

Last updated