Exercise Smartwords

Exercise Smartwords allow you to use variables within your content to make the exercise more flexible to changes.

Smartwords must first be configured in the scenario editor but can be changed later in the Facilitator Dashboard. See more on Smartwords in the Facilitator Dashboard here.

  • A practical feature that lets you make changes across the entire exercise with just one adjustment, offering flexibility.

  • Useful when content isn't finalised yet (such as re-tweeting a live tweet from a player)

  • Offers the ability to use the same exercise in different contexts (such as a company applying the same activity across various countries)

Overview of the Smartword table

The Smartword table is where you set up your exercise smartwords.

Allows for a CSV file to be loaded into the table.

Importing does not make the data live in your space - the table will still need to be uploaded. See more on importing smartwords here.

Resetting the configuration:

This will erase the data that has been uploaded to your Space, but the local table data will remain

Setup Exercise Smartwords

Set up exercise Smartwords to allow content to be published using dynamic data. By defining variables and linking them to key terms, you can quickly adjust content without needing to rewrite entire sections.

Follow these four steps to set up exercise Smartwords:

  1. Create content using a variable

  2. Navigate to Smartwords

  3. Set up the Smartword table

  4. View the result

1 - Create content using a variable

The variables must be defined before you run your exercise with the naming convention {data.variable_name}

2 - Navigate to the Smartwords table

The smartword table can be found in the scenario editor. The navigate to settings, then Smartwords.

3 - Set up the Smartword table

Begin by adding a row and in the Index add the variable name, once complete click 'Upload' to update your changes.

4 - View the result

View the result in the Facilitator Dashboard.

See more on Smartwords in the Facilitator Dashboard here.

Importing exercise Smartwords

If you have a lot of prepared statements for the Smartword table, you can streamline the process by preparing them in Excel and uploading the data as a CSV file. This approach allows for quick and efficient setup, especially when dealing with large amounts of content.

Importing an CSV file takes three steps:

  1. Correctly format the file

  2. Import the file

  3. Upload the Smartword table

1 - Correctly format the file

The image below shows how the columns should be organized. If you want to test a unique code (column B) against someone's email address then the email address should go in column C

Saving the file

Make sure that the file is formatted correctly and saved as UTF-8 CSV, the image below shows the file format you should use.

2 - Import the file

Open the Smartword table and click 'Import' to import the file.

3 - Upload the Smartword table

Importing alone will not update the smartwords, so upload the table to ensure the changes made are visible.

An exclamation point next to the index's indicates that the table has not been uploaded

Last updated