

Notifications allow you to simulate an alert .

  • Interrupt player activity to gain immediate attention

The sharefile below has an example of each type of notification option:

  • standard (no button or timer)

  • choice

  • timer

Notification Examples_2024-07-07 14-20-46.txplib
Example explanation

In the above example, we move players in Groups depending on their choice.

Group 1 is the default group that all players belong to at the start of all exercises.

The player is prompted to make a choice of running the anti-virus scan or not. Those who do are added to Group 2 and those who delay are added to Group 3.

After this choice no players will belong to Group 1. This means we can use Group 1 later for those of accept another chance to run the virus scan.

You'll see that injects are sent to Group instead of to All and hence players see the consequence of their choice

Standard notification

Choice notification

Time and questions cannot be used together

One button must be clicked. The choice cannot be skipped or avoided.

A choice of two buttons will appear side-by-side. More than two buttons will stack on top of each other.

Timed notification

Time and questions cannot be used together

Timer can't be skipped

Last updated