Spoof social engagement

Social Media Engagement Spoofing

Engagement Spoofing refers to the ability of those with the special permission to manually change the likes, shares and comments on a social media post.

  • Rewards players that publish rich media and posts that attract engagement (likes, shares, comments)

1. Ensure you have the correct permissions assigned

Ensure you have been assigned 'Spoof Social Engagement' in the Teams table located in the Facilitator Dashboard.

2 - Locate the pencil icon

Locate the pencil icon on social media posts (this may be on GoSocial, InstaMedia or MicroBlog).

3 - Spoof engagement

After clicking the pencil icon, a pop-up will appear. It's here you can increment or decrement the number of comments, shares and likes.

Changing these numbers will cause the post to list higher in the social media feed.

Last updated