Display options

The display options tab in the website channel lets you customise your website's appearance and functionality. You can set the layout, design elements, and visual themes, manage information visibility, and configure user interactions, including comments and the display of 'hacked' images during simulations.

In this article you will find how to:

  • customize site functionality for player interactions,

  • enable live article publishing

  • select impactful images to simulate hacking breaches.

Article type

Switch between URL and article-based websites. See more on this here.

Customise the functionality of websites

Decide whether you want this channel to be interactive by allowing your players to be able to comment on news articles, or if you want this channel to be used solely as a space for players to read information.

Comments posted on news articles will be visible to all players within the exercise.

Customise the 'hacked' image

In a cyberattack exercise, hacking a website is an effective method to demonstrate a breach. Here, in the display options tab, you can select a pre-created image that will be displayed when you simulate hacking your website. Alternatively, you could upload your own image by clicking 'upload image'.

Find how to hack your website here.

Last updated