Organising contacts and emails

Contact List

You can send an email to any other player in your session by locating their information in the contact list. This list contains all the players' email addresses, making it easy for you to find and select the recipient for your message. Simply access the contact list, choose the desired player, and start composing your email.

Locating the contact list

Locate the contacts list on the left hand side panel within the email channel.

Copying emails from the contact list

Copy your personas' email addresses by clicking the copy button next to each email. Use these addresses to compose new emails to these individuals.

Managing emails via tags/folders

Improve organization by grouping emails based on their content or topic into shared folders. This allows you to categorise your emails, making it easier to find specific messages when you need them. By creating and using shared folders, you can keep your inbox tidy, streamline communication, and ensure that important emails are stored in relevant, accessible locations.

Creating tags/folders

  1. Select the email channel

  2. Hover over the icons on the left hand side and click on 'Add tag'

  1. Create a name for your tag/folder and save

  1. To manage your emails click and drag them across to the newly created folder

  1. To remove the rag click on the 'x'

Last updated