Assessment Toolkit


The assessment toolkit is a way to assess qualitative attributes of the training audience.

It is designed to evaluate specific skills by dividing them into main categories (capabilities) and subcategories (observations). For example, under the primary capability of 'Communication,' there could be a several observations such as 'Clearly Relays Information.' This allows for a detailed assessment of distinct abilities within a broader skill set.

  • ability to discount an observers observation

  • capabilities collected are personalised to your exercise

  • allows for a detailed assessment of distinct abilities within a broader skill set

You might find it helpful to assign your observers the responsibility of assessing participants during a large exercise while the facilitator focuses on running the exercise.

How do I create an assessment?

Step 1 - Open Assessment

1. Navigate to the Scenario Editor and click on the Data tab and then Assessment.

2. Open a new assessment by clicking on the drop down and then 'Add New'. Rename your assessment by right-clicking on the New Assessment created.

Step 2 - Create capabilities and observations

To add either a capability or observation right click anywhere on the grid. Connect observations to capabilities by dragging the semi-circle at the end of the observations box to the capabilities box.

Capabilities are the desirable skills for players to have for peak performance in their job, they will be used as categories to rate the players.

Observations can be either a rating, checkbox or comment.

See below for an example structure:

Step 3 - Decide what to do with the output value

All capabilities are displayed as a percentage.

Step 4 - Upload to space

Once you have filled out your observations/capabilities upload to your space.

Learn more about how to use the assessment toolkit during the exercise here.

Last updated