Master Events List

The Master Events List (MEL) is the primary way to create an exercise. It presents the exercise content in sequential time order.

  • Allows you to schedule content to be published automatically at a time relative to the start of the exercise

  • Creates linear progression through a series of events

Inject attributes

Injects are the components used to build the MEL; they are the content that the players interact with during the exercise.

Organisational attributes and inject details

Time is expressed using 24hr clock because all times are relative to the start of the exercise

Content creation

This is the channel to which the message will be published.

Further actions

Adding a question creates a data point, which appears as a pie chart on the Facilitator Dashboard, allowing the Facilitator to quickly see participants' choices at a glance

Creating an inject

Build an inject by navigating to the Scenario Editor, open your Serial and click Add an inject, then you will be presented with a column - it is here that you can create your content.

In the MEL use the AI Assistant to help generate text-based content. Enter a description of the content, then click the generate button.

The AI Assistant knows the channel you have chosen, saving you from having to type commands like "write an email"

Possible actions

At the end of the injects click the 3 dots to drag-and-drop and move the injects.

Last updated