
Customise the style of article-based websites

Websites can be customised manually within the editor, but you also have the option to import a pre-created style.

Customising Website Style

Customise the style of your website in either the personas tab by navigating to the organisation, style then clicking style again. Here, you'll find a dropdown menu that provides options to edit each aspect of the website such as, colours, fonts, and header images.

Alternatively, you can edit the style in Style and then Websites.

Importing styles

There are pre-made website styles ready to import found in Ventura. You can import the website style in two ways:

  • via personas

  • in the Style tab

Import a style in personas

Navigate to personas and open your organisation. After, navigate to the website channel and then style. Once in Style click 'import from file' select your .txws file to upload.

Import a style in Style tab

Navigate to style, then Websites, here you can import your style.

Note that editing organizations using this method requires them to already exist as personas and be correctly marked as organisations.

Last updated