Website configuration

In the website configuration tab, you can manage settings such as: website name, description, keywords, URL, http/https selection, ranking, paid promotion options, and website views.

This article will guide you in:

  • creating realistic phishing exercises using custom URLs and http/https

  • and find how to boost website visibility through ranking, paid promotions, and increasing website views

Utilising custom URL's and http/https to craft effective phishing exercises

Custom URL's

Custom URLs are particularly valuable in phishing exercises. By creating a custom URL, you can control the address that appears when players hover over a link, making the scenario more convincing and realistic. This technique helps to simulate real-world phishing attempts with greater fidelity, as it can display a believable URL that matches the exercise context.

http:// or https:// ?

  • Used for accessing websites that do not require secure data transmission.

  • Common in situations where security is not a concern, such as public blogs or information sites.

Enhance website visibility for your players

Write a detailed website description and include relevant keywords to enhance the site's realism and make it more discoverable. This way, when players search for terms included in the description or keywords, the website will appear in their search results.

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