Master Events List

The Master Events List (MEL) is where you control the pace of the exercise, here you have the option to skip, pause and publish injects. Do so using the buttons at the bottom of the MEL which allow you to manage the flow of events seamlessly. Each button serves a distinct function:

  • skip lets you bypass an inject if it's no longer relevant,

  • pause halts the exercise temporarily,

  • publish pushes selected injects to participants in real-time.

This flexibility ensures that the exercise can be dynamically adjusted based on the evolving scenario or participant needs.

The MEL can be easily collapsed at your convenience.

Reset Options

In the Facilitator Dashboard, you have the ability to reset the MEL. Here's an overview of the reset options available:


  • All messages from all channels (from Scenario Editor and user created)

  • Social Watch words and filters

  • TeamchatPlus channel

Last updated