Email Management

Creating new emails

Creating an email is as simple as in real life. The image below underlines the basic options when creating a new email in the Virtual Desktop.

Replying to emails

To reply to an email you need to use the buttons below the email, just as you would do in real life.

Fowarding emails

To forward an email, click the forward button and chose a contact you want to forward it to.

Draft emails

Save emails as drafts so you can plan ahead and return to them at a later date. To do this:

  1. Click Compose on the left-hand panel and begin writing your email

  2. Navigate to the send button but click the upwards arrow next to it. Here you have the option to save as draft.

  3. Your saved email can be found in the Drafts section of your email

Emailing multiple participants

To email multiple participants use "," between each email.

Alternatively, you could create a group by navigating to the Contact list, create new list, select the participants you would like to add to this list.

  • Rename the list by clicking the pencil icon

  • Send an email to all participants in this list by clicking the paper plane icon.

Last updated