After-Action Review feature

After Action Review (AAR) allows players with the Evaluation (AAR) special permission to write notes and attach the notes to content items. AAR allows you to capture information while the exercise is unfolding, so that all those observations are captured in an After Action Review report, for a hotwash or debrief session.

  • Qualitative feedback is captured at the time of the event and linked to the content that prompted the feedback. This makes the review process more rigorous and defensible.

Assigning AAR special permission

Positions and Special Permissions

How do I add an observation?

A speech bubble icon indicates content where you can make observations. Click on the icon, select an inject to link your observation to, and leave a comment. You can add comments manually or use AI assistance. Once saved, the speech bubble next to the inject will turn green, signifying that an observation has been recorded for that content.

Observations and AI

Use AI to help you with your observations. Simply select your assessment style and click on the generate button, AI will then format your text in the assessment style you have selected.

Choosing an assessment type:

Persuasion (Statement)

Gives a narrative and two supporting facts and emotions to make the text stronger as well as giving a score 1 to 10 (10 being most persuasive)

Flesch Reading Ease Test

Judges the readability of text giving it a score, reading age and reason.

Instruction Assessment

Assess whether the comment aligns with these communication objectives - Clarity, Descriptive, Bottom Line Up Front (does it deliver the main point within 10sec), Simple language, Concrete language


Provides a report based on the SITEMP criteria - Size (of enemy), Information, Time, Equipment, Method, Place


Gives a confirmation of a major incident declaration, specifies the location, describes type (e.g. fire, flood), lists potential hazards, notes anu access issues, provides the number of casualties reported and identifies the emergency services present or mentioned.

Last updated