DATETIME formatting
Formatting dates & times in published content
DATETIME(timestamp, format, output timezone) is a Conducttr function used to make dates and times look attractive.
timestamp = input; required, uses the format “yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss”
format = output format, e.g. ‘HH:mm:ss’ (see details)
output timezone = timezone for output; optional, defaults to project’s time zone (currently defaults to project owner’s time zone)
Below are the date-time formatting specifications.
Format | Description |
W | number of the week in the year (Monday is the first day of the week) with leading zero, 00-53 |
w | number of the week in the year (Sunday is the first day of the week) with leading zero, 00-53 |
yy or YY | 2-digit year, e.g. 16 |
yyyy or YYYY | 4-digit year, e.g. 2016 |
M | number of the month without leading zero, e.g. 1 |
MM | number of the month with leading zero, e.g. 01 |
MMM | abbreviated month name, e.g. Jan |
MMMM | full month name, e.g. January |
d or D | day of the month without leading zero, e.g. 1 |
dd or DD | day of the month with leading zero, e.g. 01 |
ddd | abbreviated name of the day of the week, e.g. Sun |
dddd | full name of the day of the week, e.g. Sunday |
h | hours (12-hr format) without leading zero |
hh | hours (12-hr format) with leading zero |
H | hours (24-hr format) without leading zero |
HH | hours (24-hr format) with leading zero |
mm | minutes |
ss | seconds |
SSSSSS | microseconds with leading zeros, 000000-999999 |
p or tt | AM/PM label |
z or Z or TZD | time zone label, e.g. UTC |
zz or ZZ | time zone offset without colon, e.g. +0100 |
zzz or ZZZ | time zone offset with colon, e.g. +01:00 |
The content body might look like: "You started at |DATETIME(audience.start_time, “HH:mm:ss”, “America/New_York”)| and finished at |DATETIME(audience.end_time, “HH:mm:ss”, “America/New_York”)|."
The example above shows the full-blown version with all the optional function parameters. The short one would look like: "You started at |datetime(audience.start_time)| and finished at |datetime(audience.end_time)|."
The second function parameter specifies the date/time format, and the 3rd one specifies the time zone to use. The time zone can be specified in 2 formats - 'America/New_York' (this is a universally-accepted representation for US Eastern Time).
Other examples are |datetime(audience.end_time, “HH:mm:ss Z (ZZ)”, audience.timezone)| Example result: “04:05:00 PST (-0800)”
|datetime(audience.end_time, “d/M/yyyy, ZZ, HH:mm:ss”, audience.timezone)| Example result: “1/1/2015, -0800, 04:05:00”
|datetime(audience.end_time, “HH:mm:ss Z (ZZ)”, audience.timezone)| Let’s say the audience.end_time is “2015-06-01 12:05:00” instead of “2015-01-01 12:05:00” Example result: “05:05:00 PDT (-0700)” tz_timezones A list of tz_timezones can be found here
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