Feedback Summary for Exercise

If you're tasked with providing feedback to a client or for your own records, you have detailed information in the After Action Report and the exported data. But how should a summary look?

Summarising the exercise results in three slides

Slide 1 - Summary of Exercise Objectives

This first slide sets the background and answers the number 1 question "did we win"? Have the training objectives been achieved?

Slide 2 - Evaluation

This second slide provides a summary of the team's performance:

  • did the team function as a team (internal communications and coordination)

  • did the team read the situation well and correctly interpret the information environment?

  • how good were its outputs? This will vary with the training objectives but it might be response times, effectiveness of external communications - clarity, the right channel, resonance and relevance of the messaging, use of images and memes etc.

Slide 3 - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT Analysis)

What are the key take-aways?

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