URL Websites

URL websites are websites using a working URL that gets embedded on the Websites channel.

  • URL-based websites help to increase realism within the exercise, allowing players to browse real websites as they would in a real-world scenario.

Creating a URL-based website

1 - Navigate to personas

Navigate to personas, create a new one or select an existing one. Then navigate to the Website channel, then Display options. Here you have the option to change the website type to use URL.

Remember to mark the persona as an organisation so they have the ability to create a website

2 - Add a website

Click 'add website' , then navigate to New, from URL and paste in your website URL and click Add.

Include an Asset ID to help you identify your URL

3 - Publishing a URL-based website

To publish a new URL website during your exercise, create a new inject selecting the website channel.

Here you can select whether you want to use the Default website (the website assigned in the persona) or Change website (For example, if you want to display a hacked version of the same website).

Add a description to enhance the realism of the website, making it easier for players to find. When players search for keywords included in the description, the website will show up in their search results.

For more information on how players interact with websites during the exercise, see here.

Last updated