Positions and Special Permissions

In the Facilitator Team Table positions and special permissions can be assigned to give participants access to certain features.

The differences

Positions and special permissions have some differences:


  • can only apply to one player (are exclusive)

  • the features (permissions) unlocked are specific to the exercise and affect impersonation and possibly content that's received

Special permissions

  • can be applied to all participants (not exclusive)


Find more about Positions and what they are here.

Create your Positions in the Scenario Editor. Find more on how to create your Positions here.

Assigning Positions

In the Facilitator Dashboard, navigate to Teams and click Edit in the top right-hand corner. The team table can now be edited: start typing or select positions from the dropdown, click Save.

A position can only be assigned once, but players can be assigned multiple positions

Special permissions

While special permissions can be applied to any player, some are intended for the exercise control player and some for the training audience.

Special permissions intended to be used by exercise control:

  • Checklist

  • Evaluation (AAR)

  • Edit Geolocation

  • Spoof Social Engagement

Displays the checklist created by the designer and allows player to tick/untick (check/uncheck) a checklist item

Checklist creation

Special permissions intended to be used by the training audience:

  • Create Facebook Groups

  • Helpdesk Agent

Allows a player to create new Facebook groups live during the exercise. See more on Facebook groups here.

Assigning special permissions

In the Facilitator Dashboard, navigate to Teams and click Edit in the top right-hand corner. The team table can now be edited: select special positions from the dropdown, click Save.

Last updated