GoSocial (Facebook/Linkedin)

Creating groups live

Groups allow you to share posts and content amongst a specific group of people. It reproduces an online ecosystem based on private discussion groups managed by specific players or role-players. To create a new Facebook group live during the exercise follow the steps below.

1. Create new group

First ensure you have the "Create Facebook group" special permission assigned (see more on assigning special permissions here). Then, in the GoSocial side panel there will be a button stating '+create new group'

2. Customise the group

Customise your group details to create a more realistic group. Here, you can give your group a name, description and cover image.

3. View the group

The new group will appear on the left column, click on the name to access it

Further available actions for those assigned the "Create Facebook group" special permission:

Edit the group name, description, and cover image.

Groups: Player actions

Players can only find a group if they search for it in the GoSocial channel search bar

Available player actions

Players can interact with this channel just as they would in real life, this includes posting, engaging (commenting, liking, sharing), and deleting content.

In the GoSocial channel you will see a box at the top that allows you to create a new post. Here you have the option to include an image and text.

Last updated