Forum (Reddit)

Forum in the player view

The Forum channel is a channel that replicates social forums such as Reddit. As well as the player actions listed below, available actions also include; searching for content, voting up or down posts, commenting and replying to posts, exploring profiles and requesting to join communities.

Create a post

To create a post live click the drop down, here you will have the option to create a new post.

Players can create a post dependant on the type of community they are in. See more on communities here.

Create a community

To create a new community click the dropdown, here you will find the option to create a new community.

Note that if you have customised Forum's style in the Virtual desktop then the 'CreateCommunity' button may be called something else on your screen

Once you have created a community you have the option to customise the handle (r/), name, description, type and logo.

Delete a post

Click on the three dot icon on any of your posts to delete

Last updated